Thursday, May 27, 2010


I just got back from checking on the boys (9:00 am) and they are not doing so great. So frustrating... this rollercoaster! I feel like I can do it some days and then others I just feel like what else! Anyways, they both are having problems with their tube feedings. Right now Luke is getting his central IV line changed from his belly button to his arm and they are holding his feedings off to see if the problems will subside. Max is having a harder time because they think he has an infection. He's had 3 x-rays in the last 12 hours and not sure what they have found yet. I think they are going to change his IV lines like Luke's and then start him on antibiotics no matter what. Bad part is if the antibiotics don't work he has to be transferred to Minneapolis to have surgery. I just pray that doesn't have to happen!!! Pray, pray, pray....

I get discharged tomorrow finally. Today I am going to just continue to lay low and probably just take some time to spend with the Lord... praying and reading my bible. I might even go up on the deck since it looks like a beautiful day.


  1. You are in my prayers every day...several times a day!

  2. We will continue to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY....
    Oh how I pray....

  3. Praying for you and the boys Ashley! Read Isaiah 40:18-31. It's a good reminder that God is in control!

  4. Ashley,

    You are already ahead of the game once your praying without ceasing and in the Word. That's ALL you can do alone. God will hear your cries and handle the rest. It's at this point of desperation that we learn to trust God the most, even with the lives of our precious miracles.

    He created them, they were born when He wanted them here, for some reason. Maybe it's to show the people around you how powerful God is, how he can give you a peace like no other, how only He can heal the desperately sick, and how only He can produce miracles.

    I know I felt guilty whenever my 25 weekers were born and it took years for me to get over this. But, I have realized, that God wanted them here when they arrived, it was nothing I had done, or not done. It was all in God's perfect timing, and nothing you have done.

    I am praying for you. I personally know every.single.struggle you and your husband are feeling. I am here for you anytime you need anything from me, anything! My email is

    I bought this plaque whenver my twins were born, and it hangs on our wall in our great room and it reads: "Be Still and Know That I Am God" Psalm 46:10. Whenever I would have anxiety, cry hysterically, I would glance up at this verse and I would remember, He is in control of all of this, just trust Him.
