Monday, December 5, 2011

Sweet Boogery Babies

So... as a pre-mom (you know, a woman that isn't a mom yet with lots of opinions on how to be a mom) I said I would NEVER let my kids have snotty, boogery faces... well here is some proof on how all that pre-mom stuff goes down that drain once you actually become a REAL mom! :)


See... the thing about the pre-mom thing, you have the best of intentions. And I think it's so good to have those thoughts and opinions. In many ways it shaped the kind of mom I have become. But wow, the booooger thing. I was just off on that! Ha! Trying to keep two little FAST men snot free... is really hard! Ha ha! The other problem is that as their mom I think they are still so cute with all the snot included. But it's when you are a pre-mom and see someone else's kid with a boogery nose that makes you vow against it!

My models above!

Above is a picture of Luke, Max and Gavin. Three buds. Gavin is a son to a childhood friend of Caleb's. They grew up together here in Hayward and Weston has since moved out East. It was so nice to see his family and to have the kids play together. I so enjoy his wife too and it's one of those relationships where you just pick up where you left off... as if no time has passed. However, we have had the boys and they have had a little girl since we saw them last! Crazy how fast time flies! (Side note, another perk of twins, it sounds impressive to say... Yes, I've had two kids since the last time I saw you... yes, two in a year!?)
Well, I don't know about you, but I think I'm getting better at this blog thing... two posts in less than a week!?! Now... to keep it up! The problem is I have less and less pictures anymore. They move too fast now! Speaking of moving fast... I found Max on the kitchen table this morning with Luke on the chair below on his way up too! Yikes! I was really looking forward to putting a Christmas centerpiece on my table... oh well! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ashley,

    I couldn't help thinking of you when I saw this article about double egg yolks!


